
Christmas, part 2, with Poppa Joe and Gloria

Merry Christmas ... yawn
Everyone loved Dahlia's stocking jammies, but she seemed unimpressed

After the Christmas extravaganza on the 24th and 25th in Eugene, we made the trek back to Portland on Friday to celebrate Christmas and open presents with Poppa Joe, Gloria, Uncle Brennan, Nate, Jared, Shahleena, and Kobe. We conference called Aunt Molly to make sure that she could partake in the yard-of-beef and candied pecan goodness.

We had also gone over to Poppa's house to decorate the Christmas tree on Tuesday, when Dahlia and Nate received special ornaments from Gloria--a cherub angel for D, and an Ironman ornament for Nate (who completed the triathlon in Kona back in October). Jared and Shahleena made the treacherous drive down from Seattle and arrived in plenty of time for Christmas dinner.

Plenty of fun was had by all. Highlights included Kobe opening his present of Milk-Bones (for the second time in two days), Poppa Joe's "unique" hominy dish, and Uncle Brennan juggling Hickory Farms meats. Here's a sampling of photos from the festivities:

Poppa and Dahlia
Poppa and Dahlia

Brennan juggles meat
Uncle Brennan juggles meat

Beers and buds
Jared, Uncle Brennan, and Nate prepare to pound some brews

Sitting down for Christmas dinner
Sitting down for a dinner of burgers and hominy ... and plenty of Pinot

Dahlia's first videoconference
Dahlia's first videoconference - Skyping with the Taylor clan in Dumas, Texas

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